Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Purpose Blog

Since I'm no longer using this blog for Media Scriptwriting, I've decided to use it to help organize my thoughts and visualize my ideas. So this blog will be here for my benefit. Not for entertainment. In fact, I expect to be the sole reader of the Blah Blah Blog.

Random story: I decided eat lunch at home in order to save money instead of going to Burger King with a friend. Upon arriving at him I sat in front of my computer, proud of myself for conserving my money (I've been spending a lot of money lately. On things that I don't really need, like a 21 inch HD computer monitor.) I know I can be using my money for something more worthwhile and I'm reminded of this everytime the offering plate comes around at church. Back to the story, I opened my email and was almost blinded by the shiny new message from Amazon nestled within my inbox. It read: HUGE DVD SALE. Needless to say I clicked the link.
So instead of spending about 6 bucks at BK, I ended up spending $30 on DVDs and an old House of Heroes CD....The End. (I also bought the Iron Giant, directed by the great Brad Bird!)

On the topic of spending money and House of Heroes, I bought their House of Heroes Meets the Beatles EP. I've listened to it nonstop since I got it. It's only 3 songs which is disappointing. But I recommend any fan of HoH, the Beatles, in general to check it out. The songs they cover are "Can't Buy Me Love", "It Won't Be Long", and "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da."

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